In the left rear of the cabinet, install a fully enclosed metal supply before trunking, which extends from the bottom to the top of the server rack cabinet , where the top outlet dedicated to power the fan . Mounted vertically closed metal supply duct is designed to avoid the utp cable horizontal UTP generate power interruptions. In most of the cabinet , using an extension cord is mounted horizontally , this structure allows the spacing between the power outlet and the horizontal part of the twisted pair is less than 200mm, so it's not the ideal power distribution structure .
Rack mounted vertically in the middle of a ground copper from the low ceiling, 2U equidistant intervals on the Copperbelt an open Coarse M6 screw holes , in order to shield patch close to ground , network cabinets among the lowest end of the screw holes at the cabinet led ground. Various Network Cabinet metal parts of the cabinet should be grounded in order to achieve the overall grounding of the cabinet, and the cabinet should be grounded through the grounding lead wire connected to the grounding copper on the room 's ground copper rafts .
Due to the increasing miniaturization of IT equipment , installation of equipment in the cabinet increased density to a station 7U blade servers , for example, a station takes about 3kVA distribution , and a 42U high rack units may be installed up to 8 such servers, the total demand will reach its distribution 24kVA. That's right cabinet power distribution system poses a severe challenge. At the same time , input and output ports of the increase , but also the reliability of the distribution system installation made high demands. Taking into account the current needs of most server dual power supply , power distribution cabinet also makes more and more complicated.
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