
When shipped, hdmi cable tray shipping what issues need attention

Transportation must be checked before the cable, the cable should be intact, the cable should be tightly capped; tubing inside the cable, the outer ends and oil-filled cables between the pressure tank WISDOM Network Cabinet  must be securely fixed to the plate, avoid being affected during transport shock and loose; supply valve on the pressure tank should be turned on, indicating normal pressure; outside of the cable to do protection to prevent foreign objects damage. If you find the problem, in order to handle the loading of transport.
Cable tray loading supine not allowed. Supine allow cable winding loose, it tends to damage the cable and the cable tray. Second, cable tray unloading
Without lifting equipment is prohibited under the cable tray will be pushed directly from the truck when unloading. Because of the direct push, not only the destruction of the cable tray and cables are also vulnerable to mechanical damage. Smaller cable tray can be barricaded  WISDOM Terminal BLOCK with wooden ramp, and then pull the cable drum winch or rope slowly roll down along the slope.
Cable tray when loading and unloading is prohibited several dishes simultaneously lifting.
Rolling three cable tray
Cable tray must be controlled within a small distance when rolling on the ground. Must follow the direction of the rolling direction (along the direction of the cable wrapped tightly) as shown on the cable tray side. If the reverse roll unwinding and loose cable will fall off.

